F1 in Schools is the only global multi-disciplinary challenge in which teams of students aged 9 to 19 deploy CAD/CAM software to collaborate, design, analyse, manufacture, test, and then race miniature compressed air powered cars made from F1 model block.
The car is cut, using a CNC router, from a model foam block measuring 223 x 65 x 50mm that is powered by compressed air. We must follow strict guidelines set by the F1 in Schools team to mimic how engineers in F1 have to think to overcome these design limitations and find the precious tenths that, ultimately, win the competition.
There are stages of race days throughout the competition which are Regionals (North London), Nationals (UK), and Worlds. To progress onto the next stage we must win the competition by receiving the most points in all aspects. These are the Pit Display, Verbal Presentation, Enterprise Portfolio, Engineering Portfolio, Car Renderings, and the Car.
DROPLA Racing are a group of year 11 students from Finchley Catholic High School in North London. The team consists of 6 members each taking responsibility of a key role within the team.